For you to understand how I landed here, I believe it makes the most sense to share with you my story. This will allow you to get to know me on a deeper level as you embark on your very own health + wellness journey.
I am often asked what lead me on this path + why I chose to invest my time furthering my education in holistic health coaching + natural nutrition. Soon you will learn that through my own life experiences I have landed exactly where I am suppose to be.

Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management (Always a People Person)
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Certification (Institute of Integrated Nutrition)
Certified Holistic Cancer Coach (Center for Advancement in Cancer Education)
Natural Nutrition Certificate of Completion (Canadian School of Natural Nutrition)
Winner of the Leadership in Health Coaching from the Institute of Integrated Nutrition, 2021

My Story
Hi, my name is Bee! I'm a retired stress-case, breast cancer thriver who turned my healing experience with cancer into my purpose by becoming a holistic health + lifestyle coach. I discovered that by following a path of natural healing methods and modalities that it is possible to grow a new body, one that we never could have dreamed of. What I had learnt through that chapter of my life was what ultimately led me to where I am today. It is an honour to be able to share my knowledge and wisdom with others to help them reclaim their health!
To learn even more about me, keep reading, as I want you to understand who you would be working with:
For the majority of my first thirty years on this earth, I was unaware of what the body needed to operate at its optimal level. I relied heavily on allopathic medicine to provide bandaids or quick fixes to any areas in my life that were out of balance and trust me, I had my fair share of visits to the doctor's office that didn’t come with solutions to my problems.
Every time I voiced concern, it was greeted with a prescription drug. This started from a very young age and carried on through my teens into adulthood. Whether it was my constant constipation, my severely painful heavy periods, my acne spreading all over my face/back, there was never a conversation about getting down to the root cause, it was always a drug. There were no conversations about diet and lifestyle changes, there was simply conversation on which prescription we could try next, throwing all the heavy hitters my way.
After finally feeling defeated in my later twenties, I decided I needed to make a change and get more involved in my healing process. I went off all the remaining medications that I was on, the primary one being birth control. This threw my body for a loop, my hormones didn’t know what was happening as I had been taking birth control since I was 13 years old. I was in and out of the hospital, experiencing extreme weight loss, blot clots, insomnia, and severe hormonal acne. This was the moment that I call my first awakening. As no medical doctors had an answer for me except to go back on birth control. I began doing my own research and started finding natural remedies through food, herbs, and supplements to help bring my body back to balance. But what I forgot to look at during this time was my emotional health - I was living in a chronic state of stress, burning out on a regular basis and was suppressing my emotions.
As time passed, I began to slip back into old patterns, living in a constant state of stress while using food and alcohol to mask my emotions. I was avoiding all the signs my body was telling me. I felt off, yet I chose not to listen as I was busy trying to run in the rat race of life. There was no slowing down, no rest or recovery, simply survival mode - working long days, often 7 days a week with little to no self-love.
Soon, my body was about to tell me enough is enough. In December of 2018, at 30 years old, I heard the words no one wishes to hear, “I am so sorry, it’s breast cancer.” There I was, at the height of my career and personal life when life decided it was time to be diagnosed with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. When I received the news, I honestly wasn’t even that shocked as I knew I was not doing well and felt something big was about to happen to me.
It was in that very moment of hearing the doctor say it was cancer that I woke up. It was time to start listening to what my body was telling me. I knew that it was time to stop neglecting my needs, listen to my body, and never allow myself to get so burnt out to the point of sickness again. It was life’s beautiful wake-up call.
After sitting with the news, I had this intense feeling in my gut (hello intuition) that it was time for a change in my life, and for the first time in my life - I listened to it. Your body is always trying to talk to you and many times we don’t pause and listen to what it is telling us.
Sometimes it takes a life-altering diagnosis to create the necessary radical shift that is needed for us to reclaim our health. I decided to welcome this change and honoured what my body was telling me. I chose to go a primarily holistic approach to treating my cancer injury, I went against the odds and decided to open up the doors to possibility. I paved my own path, one that was uniquely mine. I advocated for my choices and built a powerhouse of a healing team that supported me along my journey, helping guide me along this path of enlightenment. By standing in my truth, I faced some contradicting and harsh opinions but that never stopped me. I had a plan and I was sticking to it, I was paving my path to heal my body from the cancer diagnosis and rid it of dis-ease.
Through this journey, I was able to get my life back. Cancer has been one of the strangest but greatest gifts I could have received. It has taught me so much not only about myself but the environments [internally + externally] surrounding us. By choosing to go off the beaten path, making choices that resonated with me, and trusting my intuition I was able to rid my body of cancer and step into my purpose. I have now felt what it feels like to truly live!
Once I found myself, I knew that I had a bigger purpose in this life. I had a yearning to be of service to others. To share all the knowledge that I had gained through my experiences. This opened up the doors for me to step into the realm of Holistic Health Coaching. I knew deep down that there is where I needed to land - this was my calling. I dived headfirst into pursuing this passion by furthering my education through the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and the Institute of Integrated Nutrition to be able to show up fully for my clients.
My goal with each of my clients is to help them (re)discover who they are, their gifts, their intuition, all while building healthy habits they can incorporate into their day-to-day life so they can understand that they do have the power within them to take back their power in terms of their health. I help each client to find the courage and inspiration within themselves for the healing process to take place. I want to empower each client to advocate for themselves within our medical system and seek the appropriate treatments best for them based on their individual needs!
It is my hope that by sharing my story you feel inspired to take the necessary actions to move through your own personal awakening. It is important to remember that we are all unique, bio-individuals, no two of us are the same. So what works for one may not work for the other, there is no such thing as the “one size fits all”. It’s time to celebrate being different, being an individual, and listening to what our body needs from us. That’s where I come in, as I will help guide you along that journey.
So are you ready to take your first big step towards a more vibrant, healthier version of yourself? Trust me, the gift is when you are willing to welcome the change. I can't guarantee that it will feel easy, but I do promise that I am here to support, guide and help create a safe space for you, to be you.
I look forward to working with you and showing you it can be done, we will do this together - as together we grow stronger and build community!
With love + gratitude always,
Establish New Habits
Set Health Goals
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle
Cleansing the Body + Home
Stress Management